
Looking for Tuesday to start up and then fail.....expect the rest of the week to be down,

maybe quite hard. Dont forget selling this coming week in most instances pushes the liability to pay taxes out to April of 2025.....16 months. I believe as we start to fall many will see profits going down and join the selling. Have a properous and great trading year in 2024.


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Hello, I follow and enjoy your comments.

But, I am not sure what you mean when you say you are going to move to a subscription service.

Are you going to give levels and times when you went short or long ? Currently you are not providing us with that. Anyone can say I went short at xyz level and then backtrack into it. That is what you seem to be doing. I apologize if I am wrong. I really enjoy your substack. Your answer will determine whether or not I pay for your service.

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Hi Nile.

By transitioning to a subscription, the weekly letter will become available to subscribers. I will maintain one of the weekly notes per month available to free subscribers. The weekly content will remain unchanged.

I have throughout the letters shared my positioning on markets and ideas, mostly recently last week highlighting opening a short position against the S&P 500. Another example for reference is sharing ARKK trade idea and comments on increasing my exposure to other previously shared ideas of PayPal, Unity, Snapchat Figs & Ayden. These are in the mid-November issue. This idea well outperformed the market through the November rally. My intent is to continue to share thoughts and ideas in this method-- I believe this answers your question.

Appreciate your readership through 2023.

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Hey Scott. I feel similarly.

Appreciate your readership through 2023, and wishing you the same for a great trading year in 2024.

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Interesting read and I share your view!

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